This is how you "Diss"
“It’s about time the people that have been taken advantage of, disappointed, let down and lied to, can express themselves and call the people out who screwed them over!”
-Bert Nunn
(Creator of DissGifts.com & "The Original Lying Sack of Shit")
Every "Diss- Leaving-Card" comes with 10 brutal customs disses.
(Comedy roast style)
Here's one: "You broke more promises than Congress."
How many times has someone lied, deceived or conned you? A trusted partner or lover who has been having an affair behind your back? What about the horrible boss who has repeatedly humiliated you in front of your co-workers? Even the jackass neighbor who fibs about his dog ruining your lawn? DissGifts.com is a great way to sever your ties from toxic morons. Now you can let those lousy a-holes know that they’ve been dissed, by presenting them with An Original Lying Sack of Sh*t, complete with a unique, scathing greeting card, newly coined: "The Diss-Leaving-Card."